Once it’s encrypted and passworded, your backed up data cannot be unencrypted without your password-not even by us at Intuit! Tip: Be sure you pick a password you can remember.
If you’re the only user on the computer and you’re backing up to a private secondary drive, you probably don’t need a password. It’s a good idea to set a password (which automatically encrypts your backup file) if you’re backing up to Time Machine or to a cloud solution like Dropbox or Skydrive. Decide whether to encrypt your backup and create a password or not.Choose whether or not QuickBooks overwrites the backup file each time it creates a new backup.If you use Apple’s Time Machine, you can choose a folder on the Time Machine drive for your QuickBooks backups. If you have a secondary or backup hard drive available, it’s a good idea to set the backup location to that drive. Choose a place to put your backup files.Set QuickBooks to automatically back up every time you close your company file.Set QuickBooks to automatically back up the company file every few hours or once a day.Launch QuickBooks Mac 2020 (if you haven’t already).The first thing you’ve got to do is set up your backup preferences. But don’t worry-it’s easy to get QuickBooks going again. Sometimes things just don’t go well-files get messed up, computers crash.